This character, the artwork and writing therein are creative property of myself(Loreithil, formerly Null_ 0005_) and the artists listed. Do not use without permission.

To be devout evermore...

Lore'ithil Blackcrest is the epitome of unwavering, unshakeable faith. Born within the crumbling lands of a post Sundering Azshara, she existed for near a millennium alienated from her own race. In this time she found herself swaddled in the warm embrace of the White Lady; reflected in eyes as pale as the moon they looked upon.

Her existence was promptly consumed into the Sisterhood of Elune with her integration into Kaldorei society, wherein she partook of their ritualistic worship, and aided them in upholding the devotion of Elune across the lands for many a millennium; through vigil and war, death and life. This mission has never ceased for Lore'ithil, and to this day she seeks to provide to those around her the warmth the White Lady has casted upon her. Be it those outcasted, condemned, or strayed from Elune—in her eyes, a reflection of the moon, she seeks only to give solace to those in need.

Ghostly facial features curve in tender regard to those around her, a soul warmed and gentle, a touch soothing and succor. Lore’ithil very evidently holds an air to her that bespeaks her nurturing, devoted soul. Her being emanates an atmosphere of Elune’s light, as though her every breath is taken in adherence with her deity. More often than not strings of reverent prayer brings her lips to part, though often spoken low enough for most to be unable to hear.

Adorned foremost with an ancient sword of moonlit steel, crafted and kept with a care nearly obsessive. From hilt to blade the two handed weapon gleams a nearly blinding white; imbued with a reflection of Lore’ithil's devotion, and empowered by her unwavering faith. The touch of this blade would inflict a searing pain without the fortune of cauterization. As though it burned with scornful moonlight, an embodiment of Elune’s grace. Upon her hip would rest a lesser dagger of similar make, evidently nothing could quite replicate the sword at her back.

Sculpted of the stars...

A font of fervor...

Of the past...

Lore'ithil faces an unnamed figure from her past and quickly resolves the confrontation.

More to come...

A Merciful Cruelty...

“What has become of you…?” He sputtered forth past a quivering jaw, emotions welling within his glowing blue eyes. The wind, shrill and unforgiving, prompted him to blink his eyes rapidly in order for his eyelashes to dare against the snowfall, causing stray tears to fall. Atop mountainous peaks two elven figures stood, a palpable tension thick, and unable to be carried away upon the winds. Unevenly he would adjust his footing, a frighteningly tall and muscular man adorned in thick robes of white cloth and fur, his Highborne features would harden into a stern expression of disgust. In his hands, a mask-like helmet he had previously removed, topped with a crown of crescent moons. Opposing him, a woman, wrapped in bloodied ribbons of crimson ink, with steam rising from the surface of her skin and whisking off into the cruel winds. She offered no answer to his question. Rather she, wearing but ritualistic robes scantily protecting her from the cold, would approach the elder man.

He had but a small collection of recurring sentiments; but nestled at the top of the list sat guilt. He would exhale an uneven breath as his hands released their grip upon his mask and reached pliantly towards the elven woman before him. “—Forgive me… There is nothing that has been done that cannot be undone!” A weak beckon escaped his frostbitten lips as more tears fell, only to freeze and become buried beneath waves of snow.

It was when his hands reached desperately that the woman's own arms would raise, her fingers gripped white knuckled to the hilt of her sword as she perilously swung it through the air. Alongside the whistling winds an audible slice, then crack-like popping noise would ring. Soonafter a harsh crunching splat would beg the woman's eyes to turn upon the severed head of the man. The man who, now, dropped headless to his knees before her. As he toppled to his side, leaving splats of red blood to melt snow, he would slide downward till his lifeless corpse thudded against an uneven rise of stone.

As she stared upon the severed head she would trace her eyes over the man's shattered eyesocket, his severed head split open upon a rock during its long trip down. She would count his exposed teeth washed over with spilt blood. She would note his eyeball, popped from its nest, laid upon the snow as the dissipating heat burrowed it into the cold surface. She would regard his splattered brain matter, bloodied like his teeth, it would sheen with a pinkish tint not unlike his malformed gums. Lastly she would look upon the clean cut that parted his flesh, rendered his muscle, and neatly disjointed his vertebrae. Arteries still sprayed what they could of his crimson life, melting the snow like that of his eye. Finally she would gather the crescent mask the man had dropped, bringing her to kneel facing the back of his cracked skull. Her lips would only then part, her breath offering but another plume of steam to rise from her body. “—And if it is forgiveness you seek, may She wash you clean of your sins. May She wrap your tired body in the warmest of blankets, and soothe your aching heart with the mothers hymn.” between words her eyes would well, her sclera's spreading with an irritated red sheen that seemed to develop alongside her tears. “—And if you wish for rest from your tormented mind, may She hold you close to Her breast as you weep.” In protest of her eyes, swelling with a deep and swirling bloodied abyss, she would raise the crescent mask of the man and nestle it atop the bridge of her nose. “Because in me there will be nothing but a reflection of your sins; your tiredness, your ache. In me there will be no rest, no respite…” Now hidden behind a crown of moons, relieved of her horrid reddened sight, she would state coldly, “In me you will find no forgiveness.”


Of my moonlit blood...

The Blackcrest name traces its lineage back well before the Sundering of Old Kalimdor.

Ten thousand years ago they were considered nobility but only through their close relations with House Ravencrest. They were a lesser house that lived on the outskirts of Azsuna, nearing the coastal shores of Val'sharah. From their estate they oft voyaged to Blackrook Hold to host weddings, to celebrate feats of strength, and to relish in victories for Queen Azshara. For what could have been a millennia, they faithfully served Lord Ravencrest as his soldiers, servants, and spies.

The strength of their bonds were tested in the War of the Ancients, and ultimately shattered with the rest of the world. Several of the Blackcrest children perished beneath the tides or in a far more gruesome fashion; crushed by crumbling spires, suffocated under the rubble of fallen buildings, or felled upon a demon's blade.

Those who currently remain are few and far between. Their family ties are nothing more than a memory, and their fierce loyalty only a fraction of what it once was.

Much like the Highborne, they are ghosts of a past that cannot be reclaimed.

This family tree is a work in progress, there are more updates to come.

She guides my hand...


Born buried in the mountains of the autumnal lands of Azshara. Lore'ithil is raised secluded from the rest of Kaldorei society by her mother, Ryne'ithil Blackcrest.

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Ryne'ithil suddenly vanishes and leaves Lore'ithil to fend for herself while entering young adulthood. Lore'ithil waits along Azshara's coast for several centuries in hopes Ryne'ithil would return.

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Lore'ithil gives up her wait and packs up her belongings, knowing only to go opposite the sea she travels into the newly established Ashenvale. There she is swaddled in the embrace of Kaldorei society and promptly enters the Sisterhood. She would stay a part of the Sisterhood through the Long Vigil.

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After immense training beneath the Sisterhood, partaking in their ritualistic fasting and worship, learning from them, and growing alongside them; Lore'ithil would fight in the War of The Shifting Sands on behalf of her religion. Believing Elune herself is guiding her hands. At this age she gains her markings, and tattoos her body in ribbons of deep crimson red ink.

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Persisting with more training, her responsibilities grew and would award her a new title. Acting as a guiding hand in the rituals of worship to Elune, fresh acolytes would come to call her 'shan'do'. Lore'ithil dutifully partakes in the Third Great War using her experience from prior battles. She mostly aids those injured, and protects the priestesses of the Sisterhood during this time.

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Barely given any reprieve from the Third Great War, Lore'ithil is thrown into the Third Invasion of the Burning Legion. Here she undertakes a similiar station, ensuring the Sisterhoods safety while war is waged and aiding those injured in battle.

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Soon thereafter Lore'ithil would follow the Sisterhood into the War of the Thorns. Her station remained much the same during the horrendous atrocities waged against her kin.

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After many heartwrenching years aiding displaced Kaldorei and guiding outcasted kin back to the warm embrace of Elune, Lore'ithil seeks comfort in remaining at the Temple of Elune, where she protects her sisters and brothers on a smaller scale.

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The retaking of Black Rook Hold prompted the Sisterhood to hold a celebratory tournament. This would be where the newfangled sect of devouts titled the Lunar Blades would be premiered, with Lore'ithil among their ranks. However, she would find herself outcasted from their group after an argument in which Lore'ithil sided with the belief that all Kaldorei are equal under Elune; whereas the Lunar Blades strongly believed otherwise. This would prompt Lore'ithil to join the tournament with her own mismatched party, aptly titled Mythos, in a fit of uncharacteristic spite. Her party would, however, win and find themselves blessed by the Sisterhood. Though, the Lunar Blades' spite for Blackcrest would lead them to a vile plan to attempt to burn her and her party in flames of zealous penance. Lore'ithil would find this display grotesque, prompting her to step away from the Sisterhood for the first time in over five thousand years.

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Of the night sky...

Patches are only used and visible on Epsilon. All patches featured were gifted. Do not repost or use without permission.

Below is the full screenshot gallery of Lore'ithil Blackcrest.

Elune binds us together...

Artist: Null_0005_


Ryne'ithil; the epitome of survival, a being old and wise, coalesced in instincts forced upon her by surviving a cruel war and the Sundering of the lands she called home. This she raised into her daughter, Lore'ithil, a being held with such high pride and praise by Ryne'ithil from the moment she was born. For a millennium did Ryne'ithil raise Lore'ithil upon the shores of a post-Sundering Azshara, crafting her into what she considered perfection. And to Lore'ithil did Ryne'ithil become existence itself. Till, one day, Ryne'ithil vanished into the woodland. For seven millennia she has been missing, unheard-of or seen even amongst the most rural of Kaldorei. And still—to this day—does Lore'ithil search for her mother.


A serendipitous meeting brought together Jamai and her long-lost niece, Lore'ithil, mending a fractured family bond. Though initially strangers, they quickly embraced their newfound connection and shared family stories. Yet, upon learning about Lore'ithil's parentage, Jamai's feelings turned to an inexplicable resentment, rooted in past betrayals. Despite their time together, Jamai has been a sporadic presence in Lore'ithil's life, arriving and departing unpredictably. Her visits are marked by a pervasive unhappiness, reflecting the deep-seated bitterness and unresolved hurt from her past, making it difficult for her to fully connect with her niece.

Artist: Loth_One
Artist: Null_0005_


If one had known what became of Eratheas after Darkshore, the last person they would've expected to see him stood beside was someone as devout as Lore'ithil. After their initial meeting, Eratheas would develop a rapidly growing curiosity of her and her faith. While Lore'ithil saw him as one who had lost his path and strayed from Elune's light. They would come to encounter each other several more times, eventually leading to Lore'ithil's saving of Eratheas, and his request to travel alongside her. Eratheas remains down the path of darker magics, but his stalwart rejections of Elune and Her guidance have lessened in Lore'ithil's presence.


Mithrin, the Lunarborne, is a night saber born of the stars and imbued with Elune's blessing. This saber was a gift from the Sisterhood of Elune to Lore'ithil for her many years of service. Withheld during Lore'ithil's departure from the Lunar Blades, the saber and priestess have since reconnected with a newly invigorated interdependence. The Lunarborne will now always come to Lore'ithil's aid, tied to the Devout through their mutual vow to Elune.

Artist: sidj_6
Artist: Anattmar


On the shores of Ashenvale, the initial encounter between Lore'ithil and Delais was far from harmonious. Yet, through the passage of time and the tender persistence of the Devout Evermore, the enigmatic veil shrouding the Shadebound Cleric began to fracture. With meticulous care, Lore'ithil extended a hand of compassion, guiding Delais into the embrace of a life and care previously unknown to her, marking a journey of healing they would begin together.


The winds of druidism floated Sylvari gently into Lore'ithil's life. A tender and considerate soul, Sylvari has brought a new understanding of nature to the Devout's mind. As such a deep-rooted respect for the druidess has formed, blossoming into a friendship that has endured unimaginable hardships in the midst of barbarous battle. These bonds have been tested, and have proved themselves undisturbed by even the most unfair of cruelties.

Artist: narninskaya_art

More to come...

Song of Elune...

This voice claim video was gifted. Do not repost or use without permission.

Commission Information...

Right now I am offering portraits and half-body pieces! I can be contacted via Twitter/X, Discord, or email!

Twitter/X - Loreithil       ☾       Discord - loreithil       ☾       Email - [email protected]

Portrait - $60 to $70 USD

Half-Body - $80 to $90 USD

Extravagant details, detailed backgrounds, etc may cause extra charges.


Terms of Service...

Payment: Pre-payment of the agreed upon price is to be given before the beginning of the project.

Revisions: The client is entitled to unlimited revisions during the project. Revisions after completion can be requested at any time, if the revision is complicated an additional cost will be required.

Ownership: I, the artist, retain all rights to the artwork, including copyrights, unless otherwise stated.

Personal Use: The client may use the commissioned artwork for personal purposes. As long as credit is given to the artist where applicable.

Commercial Use: I, the artist, am not offering commercial use artwork at this time. This can otherwise be discussed privately.

Timeliness: I, the artist, will strive to meet agreed-upon deadlines. If the artist is unable to finish upon set deadlines, the artist will ensure the client is informed.

Cancellation: If the client cancels the project before completion, a non-refundable 50% deposit will not be returned.

Refunds: Refunds for completed work will only be issued if I, the artist, cannot fulfill the project's requirements.